How to Reset Ford Door Code Without Factory Code?

how to reset ford door code without factory code

The door’s code is essential to open without keys or a keyfob. It allows truck owners to ensure their vehicles are secured and secure. We also find a lot of people who have forgotten their door’s code, as well as their factory codes.

The situation could be a form of catastrophe for those in the case. What can they do to escape from that situation? We have an answer to this problem that can help those with weak memory reset their door’s code and allow them to lock their car and unlock their doors.

The procedure is straightforward. Let’s learn all regarding how to reset ford door code without factory code if it’s possible or not.

How Do you Find My Ford Unlock Code?

You can get a Ford unlocking code following directions in the owner’s manual. However, if you wish to program your Ford Keyless Entry System on your own, You must be cautious regarding your security setting. You must ensure that your vehicle hasn’t been programmed using a specific code. There must be two keys inside your car. The owner’s manual of your vehicle will inform you where to find your backup slot. It is also essential to be aware of the button to stop or start your engine and push it once more.

When programming an keyless entry system, you will require your master access number or similar code found on the owner’s wallet in the glove compartment. If your car does not come with one, you may buy a keyless access code through a locksmith or dealer. To enter your code, first insert the initial programmed key into the slot for backup, turn on the ignition switch with a push button and then insert the second intelligently programmed vital. Also read this article: How to Turn Fog Lights on a 2014 Ford f150a?

Benefits of Resetting The Ford Keyless Entry Code

There are a few benefits to resetting the Ford keyless code that could include:

  • Lock the doors of your vehicle
  • Secure the doors of your vehicle
  • Remember the seat place
  • Unlock the trunk
  • Create your vehicle’s entry code unique
  • Get rid of your entry code

How do you erase an HTML0 code?

A particular code can’t be erased. However, you can erase stored codes by following the steps:

  • Input the factory-set code
  • Pressing two and one within five seconds
  • Press 1 and 2 for 2 seconds, then wait five seconds after pressing one and two.
  • This will ensure that all your codes are clean and ready to make new codes.

With better knowledge about how to reset ford door code without factory code, you’ll be able to go about Maryville with the confidence that you won’t get locked out of the vehicle for long! Many of our latest models, including Ford Escape, Ford Explorer, and Ford Edge, offer this innovative new technology.

how to Reset ford door Code without Factory code?

This Ford Keyless Entry system has programmed using an initial factory code of five characters found on your wallet card within the glove compartment. You can program the keyless system using the new four-digit personal code when the factory code is removed. You can do it yourself or hire an online service to take care of the task.

The first step is to make sure that the keyless entry system is reset. To do this, you should know how to use the keypad for keyless entry. The keypad is close to the window of the driver’s side, and it will turn bright when you touch it. It is possible to type in an entry with three or four digits, and you can press the keypad several times. Make sure to pack it in five seconds intervals so that the code is recognized. If it doesn’t work, go to a Ford dealer or a technician to have the system reset.

You should then look up the manual from the manufacturer of the model of your Ford. Also, you can look through the owner’s guide to determine if your car is equipped with keyless entry. It’s simpler to change your Ford keyless entry without having a Factory code than you believe it is. However, you’ll need to be imaginative. Ford also has a different factory code that’s hidden within the vehicle. Fortunately, finding the code isn’t a problem, although understanding it can be challenging.

Turn the dial clockwise couple of instances to reset your lock, and make sure it is set to 0. Apply upward pressure to the shackle. Turn it clockwise. The wave will stop multiple times, which allows for small movements back and forth in between the two numbers. Record the number that is in the middle.

Also read: Will there be a Ford Flex 2022?

How do you obtain the factory-issued keyless entry code?

Locate the factory Keyless Enter Code

  1. Go through the owner’s manual. On the first page, final page, or the wallet card in the manual is the number.
  2. The truck should open. 
  3. Contact the authorized dealer. 
  4. For many SUVs, The code is stored inside the vehicle’s computer.

How to reset ford f150 door code?

  1. The factory’s five-digit number.
  2. Release one and press 2 on the keypad in five minutes.
  3. Make sure you press and hold the 1. 2. For two seconds. 
  4. Personal codes are go as only the factory set five-digit codes will work.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the reason why your key fob isn’t working after replacing the battery?

The key fob needs to program again to the vehicle since after the replacement of batteries on the essential fob keys were reset. This is the reason why there is no working for keys fobs. When you replace the battery inside the remote key fob, you’ll need to program the remote for the vehicle.

How do you find your secret number?

Most of the time, the number of the key will be place on the lock’s front just before the point where the key is insert. Sometimes, the critical number might also print in the initial key.

What is the cost to unlock your vehicle?

What is the cost to unlock an automobile? The price of locksmiths to unlock a vehicle is typically between $50-$250, according to Towing or car dealerships can be costly too.


Keyless entry is a fantastic feature that lets you quickly and effortlessly get into your car. If you lose your code, don’t fret. There are methods to reset the system without using the factory code.

To reset your remote, locate an original number for the isolated from the internet. Enter the new code that you’ve chosen to use for the next time by pressing buttons 1 and 2 on the remote, then numbers three and four.

For a proper operation, To ensure appropriate functioning, check by pressing buttons one and two repeatedly.

This guide should help you learn the steps to how to reset ford door code without factory code. If you’ve got any queries, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below.

Also read: How to Program a Key for a 2003 Ford f150?

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